
We adore you, oh Christ, and we praise you, for by the wood you worked we have been saved.

Our Savior worked in a woodshop, not a cubicle.

Christ worked for 18 years on the wood by which he would redeem the world. Every nail Christ drove was a meditation on the ones that would pierce his hands. Our Savior, the Son of God, was a homeschooled carpenter who pounded nails, not a computer keyboard.

Men in the San Damiano House of Formation Year work 3 days a week in a job not provided by the College, and which is not a part of the program. Men in the House of Formation work to pay their own way and learn as apprentice through on-the-job training.

Through work man must earn his daily bread and contribute to the continual advance of science and technology and, above all, to elevating unceasingly the cultural and moral level of the society within which he lives in community with those who belong to the same family.
— Laborem Exercens