San Damiano House of Formation

“What do you have to fear? Nothing. Whom do you have to fear? No one. Why? Because whoever has joined forces with God obtains three great privileges: omnipotence without power, intoxication without wine, and life without death.” - St. Francis of Assisi

Formation Life Up Close

1.     Twice-a-week Formation days: Two days per week (typically Monday and Friday) are directly devoted to theological education in either teacher-led classroom settings, liturgical settings, or private study setting. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, students will be working at their own job or apprenticeship in the trades. Mass, vespers, adoration, penance, and compline will still be available daily. During these days, students can expect the following:

a.      Morning workout

b.     Morning Mass

c.      Breakfast

d.     Morning theology session 1

e.      Morning theology session 2

f.      Lunch and midday prayer

g.     Afternoon theology session 3

h.     Afternoon theology session 4

i.       Evening meal

j.       Vespers

k.     Adoration

l.       Compline and examination of conscience

m.   Friday or Saturday Night session: Theology on Screen film discussion

n.     Sunday – Lord’s Day leisure

2.     Weekly Formation:

a.      Acolyte – students learn the theology and practice of serving at the altar according to the 1962 Missal and the Paul VI Missal of the Roman rite.

b.     Schola  -- students learn the theology and practice of Gregorian chant with the Norbertines.

3.     Monthly Formation:

a.      Spiritual Direction with a Norbertine priest or another priest.

b.     Discernment Practicum reading Paths of Love or another text on discernment.

c.      Sacrament of Penance (available daily but structurally committed monthly).

d.     Meeting with faculty adviser to discuss progress.

4.     Annual Formation:

a.      Silent Retreat – One weekend retreat led by a Norbertine priest.

b.     Adventure Pilgrimage – Pilgrimage to either Assisi, Italy, Mexico City, or another destination for an intense outdoor journey of growth in holiness.