
“What is Christian Culture? It is essentially the Mass.” —John Senior

We embed our students in the historic riches of the Church’s liturgy through daily Mass in its ancient and modern rites. Our liturgies are celebrated by the Canons of the Norbertine’s new Corpus Christi Priory. Their communal life gives students the opportunity to participate daily in their Liturgy of the Hours and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—all in the stunning classic church of St. Francis of Assisi.

Students will enjoy the opportunity for bi-monthly spiritual direction with a Norbertine or another priest of their choosing, as well as an annual silent retreat. 

Sunday Mass will be with the Norbertines or at any other local parish students may wish to attend.

To participate in the eucharistic sacrifice is [the faithful’s] chief duty and supreme dignity, and that not in an inert and negligent fashion, giving way to distractions and day-dreaming, but with such earnestness and concentration that they may be united as closely as possible with the High Priest.
— Pius XII, Mediator Dei no. 80

Liturgical Life at San Damiano

Sacred Tradition

San Damiano gives pride of place to the liturgy. Our students are immersed in the authentic tradition of the Church, using both forms of the Roman Rite. Whether in schola or acolyte class, they become familiar with Ecclesiastical Latin, the rubrics, and spirit of traditional Catholic worship.


The Norbertine priests are regularly available for confession and spiritual direction to work through an authentic discernment of vocation. Along with the study of theology in the classroom, mentorship by faculty and advice from the clergy will assist students in determining the spiritual practices that best suit them and their vocation.

Lived Faith

Living alongside their brothers, students encourage and keep each other accountable for their faith life. Along with a yearly pilgrimage and silent retreat, informal and spontaneous opportunities for adoration, scripture reading groups, and faith-filled fellowship will abound.