Our Financial Model

“Because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” —Mt 25:21

We don’t do tuition like other colleges. Focusing on reducing costs and offering a trajectory that includes students earning income as part of their education, we not only promise a loan free graduation, but make possible a net positive departure from our school.

San Damiano Student expenses vs. student earnings

Because paid apprenticeship and on-site jobs form part of San Damiano's curriculum, students will more than pay for their education, graduating completely debt free!

San Damiano vs. average cost of other degrees

Even compared to other three-year associates degrees, San Damiano is cost effective.

How will I Pay?

We follow a pay-as-you-earn model: your payments begin lower to match your earnings. The Total cost for attendance is $25,000 per year, including tuition and room and board. As your wage and hours increase, you pay a greater part of the total education cost, which is distributed proportionately across your three years. An example payment scenario is below.

Year 1

Pre-matriculation summer earnings payment:


1st Academic year payments:

$1,150 per month

Total 1st year payments:


Year 2

Summer earnings payment:


2nd Academic year payments:

$1,425 per month

Total 2nd year payments:


Year 3

Summer earnings payment:


3rd Academic year payments:

$2,758 per month

Total 3rd year payments:


Total Cost of Attendance & Earnings Summary

Total Cost of attendance: $75,000 ($25,000 per year)

Total projected earnings: $80,400

Net gain by graduation: $5,400.

Our Tuition vs. 4 year Newman Guide Colleges

San Damiano students graduate net positive rather than in debt!

Primed for Progress

Since trades are combined with a curriculum involving humanities, logic, and other liberal arts, San Damiano primes its students to be able to work in positions of oversight as well as on-the-ground tradesmen. With their general building skills, specialized knowledge of a particular trade, and liberal arts formation, they have a high likelihood of being promoted in companies to higher-paying roles such as foreman, manager, or sales and estimation.

Optimized for Ownership

Such skills that enable excellence in management positions also equip our graduates with the skills necessary to start, run, and own their own companies—whether that’s just themselves or a multi-employee venture!

Nation-wide average earnings for some of our primary tracks

Source: Indeed.com & Salary.com